Our Russian Orthodox Church is located in Los Angeles, California. We have been publishing missionary booklets since 1985 to help both our people and you to better understand our Orthodox Christian faith, the meaning of Holy Scriptures, the meaning of our church services and sacraments, to acquaint them with the lives of saints, and with the beauty and  richness of the Eastern Orthodoxy. 

With the collapse of the Communist regime in the Soviet Union, there appeared to be a great need for such missionary literature for the Russian people, so our parish started sending large quantities of religious booklets to Russia and its satellite republics. 

Simultaneous with the need in Russia, there arose here a need to translate some of the booklets into the English, Spanish and Portuguese languages for the  parish in Los Angeles and for the South American diocese.

Now we are making our publications available here for anyone interested in the teachings of the Orthodox Faith. You may read and download our booklets for your benefit and for the purpose of spreading of the true faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world.

Please send us any well-written articles you may have on the Orthodox faith, Christian life, the Bible or life of Saints.

Acknowledgement. Gratitude is expressed to the numerous friends and parishioners who help with the editing and translating jobs with the missionary booklets: Mrs. Katherina Mitaky, Donald Shufran,  Fr. Alexander Iwaszewicz, Alejandro Molokanov, Dra. Elena Ancibor, Natalia Martynenko, Mr. Seraphim Larin, Nicolas Mitakis, Tatiana Stern, Dr. Steven Bushnell, Mrs. Natalia Bufius, Nina and Dimitry Gropen, Cicila Boschkowitsch, Irina Bogdashevsky, Vladimir Bresgunov, Olga Dandolo, Gonzalo  Markesini, Suzanna and Tatiana Boyko, Ludmila Betin, and many others.
        Thanks is also expressed to the numerous helpers with assembling and mailing the booklets.

File   Formats

Our booklets are in HTML and WinWord 97 (*.doc).  The latest are for downloading purpose. They are  in compressed form (ZIP files).  So you will have to uncompress each file before using it.

Complete list of Russian, English, Spanish and Portuguese booklets